SWNN Video: Twelve O’Clock High – The Movie that Inspired Rian Johnson for The Last Jedi!

In his latest video, SWNN member Wayward Jedi explores the connections between Star Wars and the classic WWII film Twelve O’Clock High, a movie that heavily influenced George Lucas in creating Star Wars and one that continues to inspire filmmakers in the franchise, including The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson. Check it out…



Along with six other films, Rian Johnson listed Twelve O’Clock High has having had a big influence on the production crew prior to filming The Last Jedi.

One can see why this movie went down as an American World War II classic. All the makings of a great story are there. Tensions between pilots, grappling with the despair of futility during war, and hope for something to believe in.

In this video, I explore the film’s major themes, hoping to provide you with an inside look at what might have inspired bits and pieces of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.

Link to slightly more in-depth Tumblr write-up here.






Stay tuned for more interesting videos by Wayward Jedi. If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to his channel here.



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Jordan Pate is Co-Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net, of which he is also a member of the book and comic review team. He loves all things Star Wars, but when he's not spending time in the galaxy far far away, he might be found in our own galaxy hanging out in Gotham City or at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, NY.

Jordan Pate (Hard Case)

Jordan Pate is Co-Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net, of which he is also a member of the book and comic review team. He loves all things Star Wars, but when he's not spending time in the galaxy far far away, he might be found in our own galaxy hanging out in Gotham City or at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, NY.

One thought on “SWNN Video: Twelve O’Clock High – The Movie that Inspired Rian Johnson for The Last Jedi!

  • August 2, 2017 at 7:57 pm

    12 O’clock High’s is a movie about leadership that is still employed by business management courses to this day. Perhaps we will finally see the drama behind the bureaucracy of military organizations! :p

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