Qui-Gon Jinn is Given the Chance of a Lifetime in a Preview of Claudia Gray’s Upcoming ‘Star Wars: Master & Apprentice’

Jedi Knight, Qui-Gon Jinn, and his student, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were always an odd pairing to be sure. In The Phantom Menace, Obi-Wan urges his master to not defy the council any further concerning the training of the boy, Anakin Skywalker. This dynamic of opposing perspectives was implied by their interactions in the film, but in Claudia Gray’s upcoming novel, Star Wars: Master & Apprentice, the mismatching of the duo is highlighted more than ever before.

Obi-Wan would later tell his master that if he would temper his defiance that he would already have found a seat of his own on the Jedi Council. Little did the student know that his master had already been faced with that very opportunity…


(from StarWars.com):


As ever, after a mission, Qui-Gon had been summoned to the Jedi Council’s chambers for his report. It was nighttime—later than the Council usually met, at least for ordinary business—and the darkness around them was illuminated by the cyclone of Coruscanti traffic and ships’ lights. Yet here, within this room, a sense of serenity prevailed. Qui-Gon relished the contrast.

Master Billaba leaned forward, studying her datapad with a frown on her face. “It worries me, this misunderstanding between you and your Padawan. This isn’t the first time you’ve reported such difficulties.”

Qui-Gon bowed his head slightly. “It worries me as well. Obi-Wan is strong in the Force, and eager to do his duty. The failure must be mine. Fundamentally, I fear, we are a mismatch. I’ve been unable to adapt my teaching methods to his needs, despite my best efforts.”

Yoda cocked his head. “Adapt he must as well. Cooperation is learned not through individual effort. Only together can you progress.”

Agreeing to that proposition—sensible though it was—would mean shifting some of the blame onto Obi-Wan, which Qui-Gon preferred not to do. He simply remained quiet. The Jedi Council had a habit of assuming that silence equaled agreement; Qui-Gon had found this habit useful, from time to time[…]

[…]Qui-Gon focused his attention back on the Masters surrounding him. They were exchanging glances in what seemed to be anticipation. He straightened. “Have you another mission for us?” Maybe they in­tended to test him and Obi-Wan one more time before any decision about reassignment would be made.

“Yes, another task for you we have.” Yoda’s ears lowered, a sign of deep intent. “Consider it carefully, you must.”

Mace Windu drew himself upright and folded his hands together in a formal gesture of respect. “You may not have heard that Master Dapatian intends to retire from the Council, effective next month.”

Qui-Gon glanced at Poli Dapatian, a Master of great renown . . . so much so that Qui-Gon had failed to note, in recent years, how aged he had become. “That is our loss.”

“We hope it will also be our gain,” Mace replied. “Qui-Gon Jinn, we hereby offer you a seat on the Jedi Council.”

Had he misheard? No, he hadn’t. Qui-Gon slowly gazed around the circle, taking in the expressions of each Council member in turn. Some of them looked amused, others pleased. A few of them, Yoda included, appeared more rueful than not. But they were serious[…]

[…]“You honor me,” Qui-Gon said. “I ask for some time to meditate upon this before I accept.” Of course he would take the seat on the Council. But in doing so, he wanted to more fully reflect upon how this would change him, and the breadth of the important role he would assume[…]

[…]Before he could think more on it, Mace said, “In some ways, this invitation comes at an opportune time. This change could, potentially, resolve other problems.”

Only then did it hit Qui-Gon: If he took a seat on the Council, then Obi-Wan would be transferred to another Master[…]

[…]Perhaps another Jedi might have given way to elation, or even the temptation of pride. Qui-Gon Jinn was made of sterner stuff. Besides, he couldn’t bring himself to feel entirely happy when he considered the question of Obi-Wan.

He’d already come to believe that they were mismatched as teacher and student. The main reason Qui-Gon hadn’t asked for a transfer before was that he knew Obi-Wan would be hurt by it, and would blame himself. The Council’s invitation would allow the transfer to be impersonal, merely practical. Obi-Wan could then be reassigned to a teacher who would serve him better.

Why, then, did the idea fill Qui-Gon with such a profound sense of loss?


(For the full preview head on over to StarWars.com.)


I’ve been really looking forward to seeing how Gray handles this relationship for quite some time, and if this excerpt is anything to go by, I think we’re all in for a real treat come April. It’s interesting to see that Qui-Gon was seriously considering reassigning Obi-Wan to another master, and that he actually had the chance to join the Council at one point is a surprise to be sure.


I think we can assume that he turns the position down to focus on training Obi-Wan, so it stands to reason that the pair will learn compromise and the art of cooperation throughout the course of this story.


Yoda tells Obi-Wan at the end of The Phantom Menace that he sensed Qui-Gon’s defiance in him. So, some of the Jedi’s ways must have eventually rubbed off on him. Since this story takes place some time before the film, it will definitely be interesting to see just how different each of them were before they learned to work together.


Star Wars: Master & Apprentice will be released on April 16 and is available now for pre-order.



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Jordan Pate is Co-Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net, of which he is also a member of the book and comic review team. He loves all things Star Wars, but when he's not spending time in the galaxy far far away, he might be found in our own galaxy hanging out in Gotham City or at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, NY.

Jordan Pate (Hard Case)

Jordan Pate is Co-Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net, of which he is also a member of the book and comic review team. He loves all things Star Wars, but when he's not spending time in the galaxy far far away, he might be found in our own galaxy hanging out in Gotham City or at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, NY.