NYCC 2016: Star Wars Writers Roundtable


On the second day of New York Comic Con, Star Wars authors – Timothy Zahn (Thrawn), Chuck Wendig (Aftermath Trilogy), Jim Luceno (Tarkin, Catalyst), E.K. Johnston (Ahsoka), Charles Soule (Lando) and Kieron Gillen (Darth Vader) – have joined the panel Star Wars Presents: A Writers Roundtable to discuss all things Star Wars, their experiences and future project. The panel was moderated by Lucasfilm’s Michael Siglain and Jennifer Heddle.



At the beginning of the panel, the authors were asked who were their biggest influences and what are they reading at the moment. Chuck Wendig is reading James S.A. Corey’s The Expanse series, while his biggest influence was his co-panelist Timothy Zahn. James Luceno named Elmore Leonard and Thomas Pynchon as his influences, while E.K. Johnston enjoys the work of Anne McCaffrey.


The panelists were also asked to share what about Star Wars they find the most inspiring. For James Luceno that was the music and he even listens to multiple versions. Charles Soule’s father used to tell him the bedtime stories that continued the Saga between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.


Empire's End

The aspect of generational cycles and the idea of a small group of people making a difference against enormous odds continue to inspire Chuck Wendig. Kieron Gillen was inspired by his first Star Wars movie – The Empire Strikes Back – which means that by writing Darth Vader he is effectively writing the prologue to his own saga entry point. Author of forthcoming Ahsoka, E.K. Johnston said: “I keep coming back to how fun it is.”


According to Lando writter Charles Soule, writing a story that measures up to Star Wars is always a challenge. Taking on these iconic characters is certainly courageous so the authors shared which characters were they afraid to write. For Kieron Gillen that was Boba Fett, Ahsoka for E.K. Johnston, Palpatine for Charles Soule, Han Solo for Chuck Wendig. For Timothy Zahn, it’s not a specific character, it’s Star Wars in general.


The authors were also asked which character would they like to write for. E.K. Johnston hopes to write about Sabine Wren some day. Timothy Zahn hopes he would get a chance to tackle Palpatine again, while Charles Soule would like a chance at Luke Skywalker.



We also got a litte bit of information about their upcoming projects. Speaking about his Catalyst, James Luceno said that it was essential reading for Rogue One and gives a backstory for Director Krennic and Jyn Erso’s family. Kieron Gillen described the final scene between Darth Vader and Aphra as ‘apocalyptic’. We will learn what that means exactly on October 12, when Darth Vader #25 hits actual and virtual stands.


Charles Soule has an upcoming project that will feature a certain battle droid slash murder-bot from Wendig’s Aftermath series. It seems that he recently (like only hours ago) got a go ahead to introduce Mister Bones in Poe Dameron comic. Can we have a cheer for MISTER BONES!


Speaking of Grand Admiral Thrawn presented in Star Wars Rebels, Zahn said that he “starting to feel real”. He is excited to see fans’ reaction. He said that he is writing Thrawn as though he is the same EU character, only younger.




In the spring, we will get more Rogue One books, including junior novels featuring Jyn Erso, Baze and Chirrut. The fans will also soon get the news about books celebrating the 40th anniversary of Star Wars.



It seems that A Writers Roundtable was lively and exciting experience. Hopefully we will soon get audio or video recording of the panel. Look out for possible updates!



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Staff member, comic and book reviewer. Cheers for the Light Side, but would drink with Grand Admirals.

Jelena Bidin (LadyMusashi)

Staff member, comic and book reviewer. Cheers for the Light Side, but would drink with Grand Admirals.

9 thoughts on “NYCC 2016: Star Wars Writers Roundtable

  • October 7, 2016 at 9:15 pm

    Cheers for Bones! That droid is hilarious. Glad he will be featured more.

  • October 7, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    “writing thrawn as though he is the same EU character, only younger.” excellent news!

    • October 8, 2016 at 9:34 am

      Hopefully with a few improvements though. Some of his Thrawn ideas were good, but poorly executed.

  • October 8, 2016 at 2:31 am

    I must state again how great Chuck’s SW books are, thank you Chuck for actually good SW novels

    • October 8, 2016 at 6:29 am

      You forgot to add the /s.

      • October 8, 2016 at 5:35 pm

        No. Wendig’s two SW novels are the actually and objectively best SW novels I’ve read. They emulate the feel of the movies more than any long-winded slow drivel like, say, ‘Tarkin’, expand the setting, have the kind of dialogue that suits SW and, admitting there are many SW novels I haven’t read, has an actual quality of prose and not just generic voiceless authorship.. but to each their own, there are people who think R.A. Salvatore is a good Fantasy writer

        • October 8, 2016 at 5:45 pm

          I actually enjoyed Life Debt quite a bit, still not a fan of Aftermath though. It just felt too shallow on a characterization level for my tastes. Thankfully Wendig made up for that in his follow-up. I’m legitimately excited for the conclusion of the series now.

  • October 8, 2016 at 4:23 pm

    I’m so pumped that Bones will be in Poe Dameron’s comic. Hopefully its not in a flashback so then we have a chance of seeing him in a film.

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