‘Star Wars’ Celebration Japan Reveals First Wave of Merchandise, Available During Ticket Sale

With the ticket sale kick-off for Star Wars Celebration 2025 one week away, the first wave of merch products has been announced by Lucasfilm. So far, they have released the two default T-shirts, one featuring the classic Celebration logo with the 2025 version, and another featuring next year’s artwork. The text is available both in English and Japanese. Ballcaps and pins are also available.


This first wave of merch will be available for purchase once tickets go on sale next Thursday, May 2. The price range varies from ¥1,560 – ¥4,700 (roughly $10 – $30), in the case of items containing the standard Celebration logo, and ¥1,560 – ¥6,200 (around $10 – $40) for items featuring the 2025 Darth Vader logo. Check out below the items revealed this week:



Tickets will go on sale on May 2 at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET / May 3 8 am Japan time. There will also be a pre-sale for 2023 VIP ticket holders on May 1 at 12:00pm ET. Star Wars Celebration Japan will take place April 18-20, 2025, at the Makuhari Messe.


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Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.

Miguel Fernandez

Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.