First Pages for Phase III of ‘Star Wars: The High Republic’ #1 Revealed

With Phase III of the the High Republic publishing initiative about to begin, unveiled the first few pages of the flagship comic Star Wars: The High Republic. Writer Cavan Scott also gave a few character and story details relating to the comic, as well as two additional pages that he also shared via his newsletter on Substack.


Phase III of the High Republic will pick up one year after the fall of Starlight Beacon. With many of the Jedi still recovering from the tragic event, the Nihil have set up a barrier, cutting off much of the galaxy.


Star Wars: The High Republic Phase 3


Writer Cavan Scott gave more story details about Phase III’s Star Wars: The High Republic issue #1, including what it means for returning Jedi protagonist, Keeve Trennis:


“The villainous Nihil have won, annexing a large chunk of the galaxy behind an impenetrable Stormwall. To make matters worse, the opportunistic Hutt Cartel have chosen this moment to mount their own invasion of Republic space, with Keeve receiving a battlefield promotion to Jedi Master as she faces one crisis after another. It’s a lot for a young woman who just two years ago wasn’t even sure she was ready to be knighted!

“Things look grim for Keeve and co., especially as she is still coming to terms with the loss of her former master Sskeer. But, this is Star Wars, so even in darkness there is hope. We promised right at the beginning of the High Republic that we would show the Jedi at their height, and while events have certainly turned against them in recent times, we’ll see how they rise to the challenge, proving once and for all that they are the champions of light and life!”


Phase 3 of the High Republic picks up about 1 year after the fall of Starlight Beacon


Keeve Trennis thinks about her master in The High Republic #1


The High Republic Jedi's greatest threat: The Nameless


Scott also mentioned new villains named Baron Boolan and his “equally terrifying” Children of the Storm, who can be seen on the cover for issue #2. They are described as featuring “a promising mix of horror.” While no further details were given, fans may want to pay attention to these characters and find out just how horrifying they will be.




Scott also shared two additional pages to his Substack subscribers. Thank you to user Guerillascribe for sharing on Reddit.


The Hutts have their own goals in the High Republic era
Original caption: Nihil envoy meeting with Skarbda the Hutt.


Original caption: Republic Longbeam Ship Gios.


Phase III of Star Wars: The High Republic #1 will be released on November 8, 2023 and will feature writing by Cavan Scott and art by Ario Anindito and James Town. It will be available on digital store shelves and at local comic book stores. If you can’t wait any longer for High Republic stories, the first issue of Charles Soule’s Shadows of Starlight is now available wherever comics are sold. Stay tuned for our review later this week.

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Born and raised in Hawaii, Jay Goodearl runs the YouTube Gaming channel “Good Games, Dude” His channel aims to open up video games to beginners and immediate players and help them understand what makes games the art form that it is.

Jay Goodearl

Born and raised in Hawaii, Jay Goodearl runs the YouTube Gaming channel “Good Games, Dude” His channel aims to open up video games to beginners and immediate players and help them understand what makes games the art form that it is.