Review: Chewie and Maz Plan Their Prison Escape in Marvel’s Han Solo and Chewbacca #6

Han Solo is gravely injured, and Chewie is in a maximum-security prison with Maz Kanata. The Falcon is in the hands of scoundrels we don’t like, and the urn is in jeopardy of being delivered into the wrong hands. All of the stakes are raised in Han Solo and Chewbacca #6 by Marc Guggenheim, and this series continues its frenetic pace.


This issue of Han Solo and Chewbacca was vastly different from any we have seen so far. I expected another Chewie-centric episode since Han was left for dead in the last comic. Sure, I assumed the group of smugglers led by Greedo and Khel to play a part, but the issue was far more elaborate. With Maz in the picture, I was sure she would be the one to plan their escape. Instead, we get introduced to a new character, Phaedra, the young mastermind with a plot to escape. Chewie looms over the prison moments, but Phaedra and Maz do most of the plotting.


The Smugglers, in league with Corbus Tyra, are conspiring to get their fair share in the massive amount of credits this urn will deliver. We didn’t get as much Greedo in this one as I thought might’ve been necessary after he blasted Han in the final moments of the previous comic. Instead, he takes a backseat through most of the pages with the smuggling crew.


The prison, the Tribunal of the Benelex Marshal Service, multiple planets, new characters, and the threat of the Empire make for a thriller of a Han Solo and Chewbacca issue. It sets the stage for the next few, and I am excited to see where they are going with the story. Now, let’s get into it.


Han Solo and Chewbacca #6 cover


Spoilers ahead…


We begin with nothing other than Chewbacca in the middle of a rumble with a fellow inmate. We rarely see someone getting the best of our fierce Wookiee friend, but it opens up with Chewie in the clutches of the giant blue guy. Of course, I am sure he would’ve been able to get out of it, but if not for the interference of his timely new friend Phaedra, it might’ve taken a bit longer than he would’ve liked. After Phaedra’s distraction, the Wookiee lands a nasty left hook that sends the would-be assailant flying off into oblivion. With a hearty roar of thanks to his new ally, he begins cleaning up his wounds.


Han Solo and Chewbacca #6 - Chewie throws a punch


Maz, Chewie, and Phaedra get to know each other, and we soon learn she’s racked up quite the list of criminal acts for a young one of no more than 14 or 15. The list of her exploits goes on and on, ranging from fraud, assault, assault with fatal intent, impersonation of a marshal, and counterfeiting.


Unfortunately for Chewie, his early tumble with an inmate garnered him a reputation. Now, everyone wants a piece of him. While he is tossing inmates left and right, Phaedra shares her plan of escape with Maz. Her scheme involves two “moof-milkers” that are also prisoners. None other than our old friends on the cover: Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba. There’s no telling how they will tie into all of this. It was hilarious to see Maz and Phaedra putting together an escape plan while Chewie is ripping the arms off of other prisoners. He didn’t even lose Dejarik this time!



The guards eventually have had enough of Chewie. He’s thrown before the Tribunal of the Benelex Marshal Service for sentencing. At this point, we learn and chuckle at some of Chewbacca’s various crimes he has committed. There are ten warrants for his arrests within the Marshal service and countless others from the Empire. These range from petty theft to murder, but no mention of dismembering. I wonder whether that ranges closer to murder or petty theft.


The Tribunal sentences him to 25% of his species’ lifespan, which in his case as a Wookiee is a 100-year sentence. As frustrating as this is for him, he soon learns of the grand escape plan. Chewie will undoubtedly be willing to risk it all to get out of prison, but he has quite a look of surprise when he learns how daring this mission will be.


This image of Chewie in front of the Tribunal was one of my favorites in the comic. Chewbacca is a massive figure, but even he looks small in front of the three hovering pods above him waiting to deliver his sentence.


Han Solo and Chewbacca #6 - Chewie faces the Tribunal


The final scene at the prison will deliver some laughs. It features none other than Evazan and Ponda Boba killing some guards. Yes, it looks like they add yet another death sentence to their name. I wonder how close Evazan is to reaching his final count of death sentences on 12 systems?



While the chaos at the prison is happening, the Smugglers and Corbus Tyra begin launching their attack against the Imperials who have impounded the Falcon. Corbus and his aide are disguised as Imperials on the inside as they wait for the Falcon to arrive. The plan is in motion, and they are ready for anything.



The Greedo moment I was waiting for finally happens as he causes some commotion inside the Imperial facility. He sets off a detonator that sends the base into a tailspin. Tyra uses his disguise as the ranking Imperial officer to distract from what is happening, while the rest of the crew spring the Falcon loose and begin to make their escape.


Han Solo and Chewbacca #6 - Greedo


Once safely away with Corbus on board, the group wants him to reveal the location of the urn. As Corbus arrogantly recants his tale of how he tricked Solo and hid the urn aboard the ship, he gets quite a nasty shock. The urn is gone, and I have no idea who has it! It could be any of them. Maybe Greedo is cleverer than I give him credit for.



The comic closes on a remote system, with a group of aliens discussing the creature discovered on the shore. It was clear who they were discussing, given we haven’t seen our favorite scoundrel yet in this issue. It was indeed Han Solo! His nearly lifeless body washed up on shore, and this group of aliens took him in. He looks a bit worse for wear, but the beard seems to be a nice touch!


Han Solo and Chewbacca #6 - Han Solo


While not great, Guggenheim delivers another satisfying installment in the Han Solo and Chewbacca arc. It’s going to be exciting to see what is cooked up in the next issue!


Rating: 6.5/10


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Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.

Tyler Bradshaw

Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.