Review: Jedha Is in Flames in Marvel’s The High Republic #5

The streets of Jedha are in chaos in the fifth issue of the titular comic series for Phase 2 of The High Republic. In issue #4, the Convocation of Force users was confronted for the first time by the Path of the Open Hand. The combination of their fiery words to the people and the use of one of the devastating creatures known as The Nameless against the Force users created chaos that has now enveloped the entire holy city.


Jedi Vildar Mac, Padawan Matty, Oliviah Zeveron, and Master Leebon have their hands full, trying to maintain order, but things won’t settle down on Jedha anytime soon. Tey Sirrek is still being held prisoner by the Guardians of the Whills, but is itching to get out. This issue of The High Republic was chaotic, but in the best possible ways. With a spontaneous riot occurring like this, there is no way to be prepared for it, and the comic captures this well. It seems a thousand fires are burning at once, but not nearly enough people to stoke out the flames. There were a few fun teases and easter eggs in this one as well.


The High Republic #5 cover full


Spoilers ahead…


With the force users being assailed with visions of their worst fears by one of The Nameless, the Jedi are forced to fight on two fronts early on. On one front, they face the threat of rioting in the streets, and on the other, they must first control their thoughts and calm down the other disturbed force users. The Jedi quickly realize the disturbance is not something wrong with the Force itself, but rather their ability to be in tune with it. It doesn’t take long for them to dismiss these visions and for the attack on their psyche to wane.


Once they can gather themselves, they attempt to calm the city begins. Unfortunately, plenty of damage has already been done; and the aggression and anger that has been suppressed for a long time has been fully unleashed.


The High Republic #5


There was no sight of The Nameless in this issue of The High Republic. This must be how the Jedi and co. were able to regain their senses again so quickly. In previous encounters where the beast wasn’t held in check, the effects were overwhelming, and the Jedi stood little chance. It appears The Mother, the leader of the Path of the Open Hand, didn’t want to play her trump card just yet on Jedha. Instead, she was content to fan the flames of mayhem.


I mention The Mother being directly behind this because we get a glimpse of her on a couple of pages. There is still a ton of mystery around her character. The most interaction with her has been in the Path of Deceit novel. This is her first appearance in the comics so far.


The High Republic #5
The Mother.


Most of the comic jumps through different places of Jedha. Throughout the entire thing, you feel stretched, pulled, and anxious about what is happening. The Jedi eventually split up with Vildar Mac and Matty trying to save one group, and Oliviah joins master Leebon at the statue of the Final Protector outside the city.


Vildar gallantly runs into a building that’s ready to blow to save a group trapped inside. Outside the building is a small group pleading with the rioters to stop the violence and give way to the voice of reason, but they are completely drowned out amidst the outcry. Moments after Vildar rushes into the building, it explodes. Matty’s forced to watch the building burn without knowing if her friend is alive.


While Matty and Vildar haven’t known each other long, I have thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic between the two. Matty has a master of her own, but her charisma and humor match the drier and curter Vildar well.


The High Republic #5
Matty screams.


Soon after, Oliviah can reach Leebon. The statue of the Final Protector is one fans of Rogue One should be familiar. Below is a picture of the Final Protector as seen in the film.


Final Protector statue.


In this comic, it is still standing… for a few more moments, that is. The citizens of Jedha made their way to the statue. In retaliation against what they believe to be “Jedi intolerance and subjugation,” they bring it crashing down. I enjoyed getting a little nugget like this.


The Final Protector statue is brought down.


While all of this is going on, the true attack was emerging. Setting off the riot was the distraction The Path of the Open hand needed for their true mission to succeed. With the rest of the city in flames, they set their sights on the temple of Kyber. Their mission is finding another rod to pair with the Rod of Seasons they already possess. These rods of which there are three, help control the Nameless creatures. Once they broke into the temple of Kyber, our favorite little rebel Tey Sirrek, was able to use the chaos to escape his cell.


Tey has a checkered past with the Guardians and is a bit of a rebel. In his heart, however, he wants to do the right thing. Rather than simply run away and save his skin, he turns back to save one of the defenseless archivists. With any luck, the next issue of The High Republic will see much more Tey running around.


Tey Sirrek does a flying kick.


In conclusion, this was an enjoyable The High Republic comic that doesn’t move the needle one way or another. We knew Jedha was ready to blow, and I am much more interested in the aftermath of the uproar. Where does the Convocation go from here? Will it be dissolved permanently? The Jedi are clearly not wanted on Jedha, and for a Jedi looking for inner peace like Vildar is, what could this do to his psyche? I can’t wait to see where it all leads.


Rating: 7/10


The High Republic #6 next issue


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Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.

Tyler Bradshaw

Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.