SWNN YouTube and Podcast Updates; What’s New in 2024?

We are almost two months into 2024 and it’s time to give an exciting update on our YouTube channel. Below, I will give you a quick snapshot of everything the SWNN team is working on, and what I am 100% sure you will be thanking the Force for in the future.


The Timeline Show.


What is it?

The SWNN Timeline Show was brough to life by team members Brian Miller and myself. The idea was to go through the entire timeline and touch on every canon story. It’s overwhelming to keep up with all of the Star Wars canon advancements over the years. Comics are firing off every which direction, novels seem to come out every week, and of course we are in the golden age of Star Wars television. So, we decided to keep track of all of it for you!


When can you watch/listen?

The Timeline Show comes out every Monday! For those of you who don’t want to sit and watch YouTube for 20 minutes, rest assured you can check us out on Spotify as well. In the coming weeks, it will also be available on Apple Podcasts.


Why check it out?

The Timeline Show is going to be the ultimate place for Star Wars lore. As it continues to grow, it will give you a chance to become acquainted or reacquainted with every era, major character, and defining event known to Star Wars. Everything from a comic arc from The High Republic Adventures comic runs, to Luke Skywalker on Dagobah will be covered. Our very own Brian Miller has worked tirelessly to generate a mostly accurate timeline to follow for each story. It’s a lore master’s dream!


Recent Episodes

  1. A deep dive into an all-time great Star Wars novel, Convergence, by Zoraida Córdova from the year 382 BBY (We might be there for a while)



2. We analyzed the devastating tale of Path of Deceit by Justina Ireland and Tessa Gratton, set in 382 BBY



SWNN Live!


What is it?

This is my favorite hour of the week every Thursday, I promise you. Here, is your weekly Star Wars news update along with some fascinating topics. The show always begins with some fun quick hitters from around the galaxy before we get into the meat and potatoes. It’s a fun-filled hour (or more) where we always hope to interact with as many fans of Star Wars as possible.


I’m proud to say I get to host the SWNN Live! show each week and am joined weekly by my friend Brian Miller. Also appearing regularly are key SWNN contributor Jay Goodearl and lead editor Miguel Fernandez. You never know who else might make a surprise appearance.


When can you watch/listen?

SWNN Live! is live on YouTube every Thursday night at 11:00 EST. You can almost always catch the show on Spotify in the days after. SWNN Live will soon be available on Apple Podcasts as well.


Why Check It Out?

SWNN Live! is all about fostering a safe, healthy, and toxic-free way of engaging about Star Wars. We want fans to feel seen, heard, and appreciated, along with knowing our platform will never get down in the weeds. It’s a place of lively discussion, and some hilarious moments. (See the image below of mine and Brian’s reactions when Jay tried to get rid of Qui-Gon’s character in a discussion on The Phantom Menace.)


Jay speaking blasphemy on SWNN Live


In addition, we dive deep into the crevices of canon, and film discussion, and focus on leaving no stone unturned in Star Wars.


Recent Episodes:

  1. A deep dive look at “The Chosen One” Prophecy.



2. A look back on Revenge of the Sith




Who Is…. In Star Wars


What is It?

The “Who Is” series is simple. It’s a quick five-minute dive into some characters that fans may not be super familiar with. There are so many wonderful characters in Star Wars that have gotten overlooked, are not as popular, or are simply unknown to the general audience. My goal with this series is to simply give fans a chance to catch up on any characters they may not know!


Where to watch/listen?

The Who Is series is exclusive to YouTube. The episodes come out bi-weekly and are short enough that you can watch it while you are getting your food ready during your lunch break, but long enough that you don’t feel shortchanged.


Why check it out?

I talk to fans all of the time who tell me they wish they had an organized place to quickly listen and learn about some niche characters in Star Wars. Well, look no further. This promises to be a long-running series for the foreseeable future providing just that.


Recent Episodes:

  1. Who is Avar Kriss?



2. Who is Elzar Mann?



YouTube Shorts


I won’t bore you with a long description here. Check out the various shorts I post every week. Right now, everything from my favorite couples in Star Wars, to a look back on a Bounty Hunters panel at MegaCon, to some Bad Batch season 3 predictions can be found!


I have been having a lot of fun spearheading some of the changes to our video and audio content for our audience. The goal is for you to have access to as many unique experiences the Star Wars galaxy offers. Please hit those like and subscribe buttons, and leave us some 5-star reviews in the audio formats as it all helps the algorithm. As always, please let us know what you are enjoying so far with all of this, and what you’d like to see come in the future!


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Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.

Tyler Bradshaw

Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.