SWNN Live! – ‘Star Wars’ Predictions for 2024

SWNN Live! returned this week with a brand-new episode where Tyler, Nate, and myself (Miguel) look ahead to the year 2024 and discuss some possible predictions about what the year may have in store for us. The list is based on another article I’d published a few weeks ago, but in the episode, we had lengthy discussions about each of them.


Check out the new episode below. We’re now also on Spotify and other podcast apps (where the new episode should be uploaded soon). Earlier this week we also launched a brand-new YouTube show titled The Timeline Show, where Tyler and Brian will be discussing events from the complete Star Wars canon timeline in order.



SWNN Live! will return next Thursday!

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Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.

Miguel Fernandez

Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.