SWNN Live! Debating ‘The Rise of Skywalker’

SWNN Live! returned this week to wrap up our discussion on the Star Wars sequel trilogy, this time focusing on The Rise of Skywalker. Brian, Nate, and Tyler had a lengthy conversation on the 2019 film, structured as a more formal debate than the last couple of discussions, including opening remarks and moderated back-and-forths between the participants.


You can check it out here in full:



SWNN Live! is our weekly YouTube show which happens live on our channel at 8pm PT/11pm ET. We always welcome participation from the audience through the chat, and we’ll read your remarks on the air, so if you’re able to, make sure to tune in next time!


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Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.

Miguel Fernandez

Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.