Sith Council Crew Discusses Anakin Skywalker’s Role in ‘Ahsoka’ and ‘Skeleton Crew’ Being Removed From Disney’s Latest Schedule

In the latest episode of the Big Thing podcast, the Sith Council crew assembled to discuss some of the latest Star Wars news, including the directing lineup for Ahsoka, the potential of seeing Hayden Christensen as Anakin in the show, and also the recent report about Skeleton Crew missing from the latest Disney schedule.


If you’re interested in this, you can check out the new episode here:



The episode is also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


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Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.

Miguel Fernandez

Miguel Fernández is a Spanish student that has movies as his second passion in life. His favorite movie of all time is The Lord of the Rings, but he is also a huge Star Wars fan. However, fantasy movies are not his only cup of tea, as movies from Scorsese, Fincher, Kubrick or Hitchcock have been an obsession for him since he started to understand the language of filmmaking. He is that guy who will watch a black and white movie, just because it is in black and white.