Black Series Rebels – Episode 89: The Rise of Skywalker Trailer Breakdown

Here is the latest episode of Black Series Rebels! Their breakdown of The Rise of Skywalker trailer and more! Check it out…


Episode 89: The Rise of Skywalker Trailer Breakdown


The Rise of Skywalker trailer dropped on 10/21! And with a Twitter blackout in full effect the boy’s get hyped on the trailer! They also talk about the early reactions to The Mandalorian footage that was screened, discuss early reactions to Jedi Fallen Order, as well as the Oh So Minty Fresh Episode IX poster and ticket sales. Then they review a huge box of toys Hasbro sent them. (Hmm…Giveaway?)




Remember when they said “Hmm giveway”? Well the boys were sent some awesome stuff from Hasbro! So be sure to check out the episode for details on how some of the stuff inside this box can end up in your hands!



In addition to their YouTube channel, you can find and interact with Alex and Steve on Twitter! Stay tuned for another “Oh so minty fresh” episode of Black Series Rebels!



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John Hoey is the Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net and the host of The Resistance Broadcast podcast

"For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."

John Hoey

John Hoey is the Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net and the host of The Resistance Broadcast podcast"For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."