Daisy Ridley Talks Returning As Rey, Still Hasn’t Seen ‘New Jedi Order’ Script

Daisy Ridley is now promoting her new film Young Woman and the Sea, so the floodgates are open for Star Wars questions about the upcoming New Jedi Order.


Speaking to Collider, she reveals she hasn’t seen the script yet but will get her hands on it imminently. Recollecting an earlier statement where she said she hadn’t seen a draft yet, she said: “That has not changed yet, but it is immediately about to change.”


Thankfully she said something a little more interesting about the challenges of returning to a role that she had left behind five years ago in Rey. She’s had a few projects since The Rise of Skywalker premiered in 2019, so she’s returning to the role as a more experienced actor than the one she was when she began playing the character in The Force Awakens.


“So this one feels the same because I’m playing a character I’ve played before, but it’s different because it’s been many years. I would hope I’m coming back as a richer artist, but also I’m in different hands, so that’s interesting and new. A different story. So that I think will be a discovery as we go on.”


It’s not hard to imagine her uttering several variations of these answers for the next couple of weeks, seeing as we know so little about New Jedi Order and Disney will likely have sworn her to secrecy on anything interesting about the film’s plot. Perhaps once she’s read the script, she’ll be able to shed a little more light on the character’s journey in the film. It would be nice to have more to go on than a Galaxy’s Edge collectible with dialogue likely written before the New Jedi Order film was announced.


Even being able to talk about the prospect of working John Boyega again would be nice, but she won’t be able to talk about anything like that beyond general speculation until his casting is officially announced — if it even is. Hopefully, she’ll be able to talk more tangibly about the film soon.


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Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.

Josh Atkins

Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.