Review: ‘The High Republic’ #3 Catapults Us Into the Occlusion Zone

It’s safe to say at this point that Lourna Dee and Keeve Trennis don’t like each other. Right? That feels like a safe assumption. Of course, I am being facetious, but good grief, these two characters have some serious beef and history. After the latest issue of Cavan Scott’s The High Republic, it seems these two will be companions for the long haul during this run. Nothing groundbreaking took place in this issue, but it served as an important catalyst for future comics. Hang tight.


The second comic ended with some serious cliffhanger mojo. Sskeer could be alive? Are you serious? Our favorite Trandoshan might be alive (sorry, Bossk) and on a killing spree. The ramifications this could have are crazy to think about. Could this be the future tipping point for Keeve? If Sskeer is alive and somehow compromised into this malicious Force wielder, what effect does this have on the Jedi as a whole? There are so many questions; I’m afraid it will be a while before we get any serious answers. Needless to say, I was raving to dig my claws (sorry, Trandoshan’s on the mind) into this one.


Let’s get going. Spoilers ahead.


The High Republic #3 cover


It begins with a flashback to Keeve’s time as Sskeer’s apprentice. It was a moment where she felt inadequate and doubted her abilities, but Sskeer did not. He had complete faith in his Padawan the entire time. Not only did the flashback sequence show us a time when Sskeer taught his Padawan how to trust even more in herself and the Force, but another lesson. This lesson is that every life matters, no matter how big or small. The two stopped a raging fire from burning down an entire forest area and saved countless animals and other wildlife. It was a time that changed Keeve forever. It seems fitting after the cliffhanger we ended on previously that we travel back in time to a time when Master and Apprentice were together working as one.


Flashback sequence with Keeve and Sskeer


After being betrayed by Lourna Dee, the Hutt crime lord, Skarabda, has entered into a rushed “alliance” with Republic forces. In an attempt to capture Lourna Dee and return the flagship of the Jedi into their hands, the two joined forces. Oh, and not to mention the fully functioning Path drive installed on the ship. It’s impossible to enter Nihil space without it. However, the Hutts don’t exactly practice subtlety when engaged in a space battle. Skarabda’s forces are keener on total annihilation rather than capture and retrieve.


I’ll be honest; I don’t understand how the Republic commanders could be too upset about this. One: You are getting extra help from an unexpected place. And two: It’s the Hutts for crying out loud. Did you expect them to play by your rules?! Unfortunately, they don’t think as rationally as you or I, so for now, they are screaming at each other. However, you should sneak a peek at the image below from the battle. I adore the look of Jedi Vectors.


The High Republic vectors in action
Jedi Vectors are so awesome.


The Republic officers remain focused on retrieving the ship and putting it safely back in their hands. However, Keeve is on a different mission. If this ship contains a Path drive, she can use it to find Sskeer if he is still alive. I’d imagine that’s all that matters to her right now. In a brilliant display, she cuts through the hull of the ship and gains entry. All while taking out a few droids in her way.


The High Republic's Keeve Trennis
Keeve Trennis lays waste to droids of all kinds.


Caught in a tractor beam from the Republic, Lourna Dee played her last card. I must admit this one is pretty awful. She was hauling human prisoners onboard her ship. Undoubtedly, she was planning on selling these potential slaves to the highest bidder. To get away, she needs the Republic tractor beam gone. In her eyes, it seems plenty reasonable to unload the crates of “cargo” she was transporting into space. The crates of prisoners disrupt the tractor beam, allowing Lourna to attempt an escape.


Of course, there’s still the little problem of having a Jedi Master onboard. A Jedi Master hell-bent on saving her former mentor, no less. In a powerful image, Keeve makes her way onto the bridge. She and Lourna have another showdown to add to their history together. Unfortunately for Dee, the Force is difficult to stop. Keeve neutralizes Dee and takes control of the ship.


Keeve finds Lourna in The High Republic #3
Keeve Trennis has her grand entrance for the ages.


The frustrating day for the Republic commanders continues when Keeve is joined by fellow Jedi Terec and Ceret, who will accompany her on their unsanctioned trip into the Occlusion Zone. A group of Jedi defying orders?!?! Yep, that’s my favorite group of Jedi right there. With Dee as their prisoner, they will have someone familiar with Nihil tactics and Nihil space. We are in for a wild ride, but no one is getting left behind.


The search for Sskeer begins in The High Republic #3


I absolutely can’t wait for issue #4 to be released next month. We haven’t received a detailed story of a group entering the “OZ” from Republic space yet. This should make for a riveting arc. It has the potential to be the best High Republic comic run we’ve had.


RATING: 7/10


A look at The High Republic #4 cover


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Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.

Tyler Bradshaw

Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.