Review: Obi-Wan Locates Leia in Marvel’s Obi-Wan Kenobi Adaptation #2

Obi-Wan Kenobi is well over a year old now. It still seems incredible just how quickly these shows can come and go. The hype around Kenobi was so massive, and I will always remember staying up late with my friends to watch the premiere as soon as it dropped. Star Wars hype is always the best version of hype.


Issue Cover

The second issue of the Obi-Wan Kenobi comic adaptation has dropped, and some of the art is pretty wonderful. Remember, the second episode took Obi-Wan to Daiyu in search of Leia. This is one of my favorite planets we’ve been introduced to in the Star Wars Disney Plus era. It’s bustling with life, but a heavy cloud of sorrow seems draped over it simultaneously. We are all familiar with the story, so let’s dive into some of the highlights from the comic.


Obi-Wan’s searching for any trace of Leia as he wanders the bustling streets. How could any of us ever forget the surprise Temuera Morrison cameo to begin this episode? It’s such a short moment, but holds such a massive weight. I’m still sad Morrison was not asked back for The Mandalorian Season 3, but I’m happy we got some Tem magic in Obi-Wan.


Homeless Clone Trooper


Next, we’re introduced to one of my favorite characters from the series: Haja Estree. Played by Kumail Nanjiani, he is a character I found absolutely fantastic throughout the show. While his arc, in the end, didn’t feel completely earned, I still enjoy the character. The first encounter between him and Obi-Wan is a good one. Haja has been masquerading as a Jedi and taking advantage of poor souls’ emotions. While he is doing some good through his facade, he’s still taking advantage of some poor folk. Of course, this has to be exponentially annoying to Kenobi, and the comic does a great job of channeling McGregor’s annoyance that came through on the show.



Once Haja sets him on the right path, it doesn’t take long for Obi-Wan to find where they are holding Leia. Unfortunately, Kenobi hasn’t yet gotten back into the swing of things and suffers a momentary setback with the kidnappers. Once he dispatches them with some exploding toxic powder, he locates Leia.

Reva, of course, is less than pleased the kidnappers let Kenobi and Leia escape. Her bigger concern is the Grand Inquisitor becoming aware of what is going on. From the beginning, we know the two of them are at odds, and there will come some sort of showdown. The page below was a fun way for them to make you feel that tension on the pages.



Can we take a moment and give Velociraptor dinosaur lizard alien a shoutout? Just for a moment?



Leia is slow to trust Obi-Wan and rightfully so. She has been through a great ordeal already. Within the show, I find it hilarious that in this high-stakes game of hide and seek from the Empire, there is this comedic relief in how Obi-Wan and Leia interact with each other.



One of the most impactful moments of the entire series comes in the next few pages. Obi-Wan chooses to let the Force in and use it again. The emotional trauma that must be associated with it would be enough to overwhelm anyone. Obi-Wan endures so much pain and loss throughout his life that it’s moments like this that remind you of why he is the ultimate Jedi. He lets the Force in and saves Leia when she falls from the building. This is a scene everyone will remember.



One of the more touching moments comes next with Haja deciding to help Obi-Wan escape. Below is my favorite moment. It comes when Haja is so touched that Obi-Wan remembers his name. I wonder, for a guy like him how long it’s been since he’s truly had a friend or had someone take the time to remember his name. It was a subtle reminder of the darkness that has spread with the rise of the Empire.



Finally, Reva and Obi-Wan meet (sorta). She finds the warehouse they are hiding in as they make their final escape. The moments from the episode were chilling. She feeds on his fears and gives him the information that sends chills down his spine: Anakin is alive. What a moment. There’s no doubt this was a highlight of the episode for many people. I think this image of darkness covering Reva as she ignites her lightsaber is outstanding.



Of course, the Grand Inquisitor has to come in and ruin everything. Unfortunately for him, his interference results in his “death”. I am still not sure how he survives this stab through the gut and is left for dead, but I guess we just have to roll with it. Perhaps we will once again live in a galaxy where a lightsaber stabbing through the gut means what it used to… I joke. I joke… Mostly…



The pages end with the looming threat of Darth Vader. The anxiety and trauma overwhelm Obi-Wan. He’s unable to think, process, or focus on anything else around him. He knows Anakin is alive, and he is coming.



Rating: 8/10

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Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.

Tyler Bradshaw

Finding ways to nonchalantly incorporate Star Wars quotes into 8th grade classroom, Tyler lives and breathes Star Wars. His morning tradition is sending the latest number in the countdown for different Star Wars projects and loves engaging in uplifting Star Wars dialogue. If you are passionate about Star Wars you can follow him on Twitter at TyBrad5.