The Resistance Broadcast – Prophecy, Crumb, Ben Solo: Our Star Wars Canon Books Ideas

Listen or watch below! On this episode we have some fun pitching our ideas for stories we’d love to see told in Star Wars books: “The Prophecy”, “The Crumb Chronicles”, and “Ben Solo”!

Back by popular demand is “The Will of the Force”, where we run down a bunch of possibilities and we each say whether we think they will or won’t happen, like will Episode IX make more than The Last Jedi at the box office? To close it all out we hear from you in #ResistanceTransmissions! Did your tweet make the show? Come find out. JOIN US!


On this transmission of The Resistance Broadcast: John HoeyJames Baney, and Lacey Gilleran!


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  • Will Lucasfilm announce what the next film after Episode IX is before Star Wars Celebration?
  • Will Episode IX make more money than The Last Jedi at the box office?
  • Will Thrawn ever be portrayed in a live action Star Wars movie or series?
  • Will Kanan Jarrus ever be portrayed in a live action Star Wars movie or series?
  • Will Aksoka Tano every be portrayed in a live action Star Wars movie or series?


This week’s DISCUSSION has us talking about our ideas for Star Wars books that we’d love to see. From “The Prophecy”, to “The Crumb Chronicles” to a book about Ben Solo’s turn to the dark side, we each take a few minutes to pitch books we’d like to see, from ideas that we’ve previously heard about to quirky and odd choices! Let us know what you think and also what books you’d like to see enter the Star Wars galaxy!


This week in RESISTANCE TRANSMISSIONS we asked you: L3-37 walks into the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Wuher the bartender says she has to leave because they don’t serve her kind there. What happens next?




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Special thanks to Matt Pasterick for our theme song!



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John Hoey is the Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net and the host of The Resistance Broadcast podcast

"For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."

John Hoey

John Hoey is the Lead Editor and Senior Writer for Star Wars News Net and the host of The Resistance Broadcast podcast"For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."