Patrick’s Spoiler Free Review: Timothy Zahn Makes a Triumphant Return With Thrawn!

Award-winning author Timothy Zahn brings us the long-awaited tale of how one of his most popular characters rose through the Imperial ranks to become the strategic mastermind who has captured the minds of Star Wars fans since his introduction in Zahn’s 1991 groundbreaking novel, Heir to the Empire.


He is a genius tactician with an uncanny ability to find his opponents’ weaknesses not merely by examining their battle strategies and armament, but also by studying their art and their culture. He is a powerful Imperial Grand Admiral who (usually!) deals with the failure of his subordinates not with summary execution, but by encouraging them to use the lessons of their failure to hone their martial skills and creative abilities. He is blue-skinned, red-eyed non-human who holds one of the highest positions in an Empire with a decidedly human-centric bias.


He is… Thrawn!!




It’s been more than a quarter-century since we were first introduced to Grand Admiral Thrawn in what was, at the time, the first new Star Wars story in almost a decade. Since then, the fascinatingly enigmatic Thrawn has grown into a Star Wars icon, appearing as the antagonist in numerous stories and novels (many penned by Timothy Zahn himself) and, most recently, making his onscreen debut in season three of the Disney animated series, Star Wars: Rebels.


But in Zahn’s latest novel, the indigo-skinned Chiss tactician Mitth’raw’nuruodo moves beyond his traditional villain role, taking center stage as the story’s protagonist. In the process, we are presented with by far the most fully realized, three-dimensional version of Thrawn to date. The book, titled simply Thrawn, follows his story from his “rescue” from exile on a nameless planet deep in Wild Space and his initial meeting with Emperor Palpatine, to his accelerated education at the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, and then charts the course of his meteoric rise through the ranks of the Imperial Navy. Along the way, Thrawn weathers the politics and prejudices of the both the Empire’s military and its halls of government, cultivating a select group of allies as he artfully turns the ambitions of his adversaries to his own advantage.


Sounds like classic Grand Admiral Thrawn so far, and in many ways it is. However, there is the added fascination of watching Thrawn on his initial learning curve. He is, of course, far from the barbarous alien yokel that the arrogant members of the Imperial elite take him for. But we do get to see a slightly more “diamond in the rough” side to Thrawn as he familiarizes himself with the workings of the Empire and its key players and hones his skills at speaking Basic.


Assisting Thrawn along the way is his aide, Ensign Eli Vanto. We first meet Vanto during a clever variation on the Strikefast planetary expedition from Zahn’s 1995 short story “Mist Encounter.” Events play out in a virtually identical fashion in the Thrawn novel, with the Imperials investigating a deserted encampment, and the encampment’s owner, Thrawn, using the natural environment and the Imperials’ own fear against them in a Rambo-style commando operation intended to provide an opening for him to sneak aboard the Strikefast. Here, Thrawn manipulates the starship’s commander, Captain Voss Parck, into bringing him back to Coruscant for an audience with the Emperor.



However, whereas in “Mist Encounter” it was the Imperial team’s 3P0 unit who examined the markings on the planetside encampment’s equipment, in the Thrawn novel, Zahn casts Eli Vanto in that role. When we first meet him, Eli is still a mere cadet who intends to build on his experience in his family’s shipping business to pursue a safe, predictable career as an Imperial supply officer. Since he hails from Wild Space and, through his shipping company experience, has developed passing familiarity with many of that region’s lesser-known languages and dialects, Eli has been ordered to accompany the expeditionary team.


And, of course, it is this seemingly temporary diversion from his study of ledgers and logistics that ends up setting Cadet Vanto’s life on a radically different path. Quickly identifying the script on the encampment’s equipment crates as being a variant of Sy Bisti, an obscure Unknown Regions trade language, Eli is assigned to serve as translator and aide to Thrawn – an assignment which, somewhat to Eli’s dismay, ends up taking the place of his preferred vocation as a supply officer.


This sets up a very enjoyable character dynamic between Thrawn and Eli Vanto. Quickly assessing Eli and noting untapped potential within him, Thrawn sees to it that the young cadet remains at his side as he manipulates his way up the Imperial military ladder, quietly mentoring Eli in Thrawn’s own style of observation and deduction. The result is something akin to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, as young Eli accompanies Thrawn on a variety of investigations into smuggling operations and piracy rings. It’s choices like this on Zahn’s part that add heretofore unseen depth to Thrawn in a fun and vaguely familiar way.



We also get to witness some of Thrawn’s more familiar characteristics as he closely examines the body language and facial cues of those with whom he interacts, turning each conversation into a chess game that only he himself is consciously playing. To this end, Zahn incorporates Thrawn’s own thoughts into the text, set in italic type and primarily focusing on the details he notices about people’s physiological and conversational responses in order to provide the reader with context for each “move” that Thrawn makes.


And, in true Holmes/Watson fashion, Thrawn often goes over a given conversation or bit of investigation after the fact with Eli, using the young cadet (who is promoted to Ensign after completing his studies alongside of Thrawn at the Royal Imperial Academy) as a sounding board while also guiding him through the deductive process. Over the course of the novel, we see Eli growing into his role, honing his investigation skills and realizing the value that his background in supply and shipping brings to the table as he begins to develop an ability to glean subtle and valuable information from shipping records in a similar way to what Thrawn does with his adversaries’ art and culture.



Zahn even gives Thrawn a “Moriarty” of sorts – a shadowy insurgent leader known simply as Nightswan. As Thrawn examines patterns and common threads between the various smuggling and piracy operations he breaks up, the name Nightswan begins to crop up and Thrawn realizes that this Nightswan is not only pulling the strings behind the scenes of these seemingly unrelated underworld groups, but that this person must also be doing so in support of an agenda of his or her own.


Although that ulterior agenda is unclear, Thrawn begins to form the impression that it may well be connected to spiking prices of and increased underworld interest in doonium, a rare, incredibly strong metal ore used in starship production.  The sheer amount of doonium that continues to go missing, particularly from Imperial supplies, leads Thrawn to suspect that it must be being diverted to a particularly large and secret weapons development project – and given the pre-OT timeframe in which the novel is set, I think we all can guess what that project must inevitably turn out to be.



At the same time that we get to see Thrawn and Ensign Vanto engaging in detective work, we are also treated to a glimpse into life in the Imperial Navy and the politically charged atmosphere through which Thrawn makes his ascent from Lieutenant to Grand Admiral, with Eli Vanto advising him along the way. In this respect, Zahn adds a dash of the dynamic between Captain Jack Aubrey and ship’s surgeon Stephen Maturin from Patrick O’Brian’s series of nautical historical novels. It’s no more a direct lift from the O’Brian books than the investigative angle is from the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, of course. But it does help to ground Thrawn’s story in familiar, fertile literary territory.


I found it fascinating to watch Thrawn’s single-minded pursuit of Nightswan and the doonium connection play out over the course of the novel, especially the way his apparent obsession draws criticism from his superior officers all along the way. However, Thrawn’s results are so impressive that he continues not just to evade courts martial, but calculates and exploits the reactions of his superiors as a path to advancement. It’s a new and compelling take on classic Thrawn that I suspect a lot of you will enjoy as much as I did.



Perhaps the biggest surprise of the entire novel, though, is the fact that Zahn has chosen to parallel Thrawn’s rise to power with that of Governor Arihnda Pryce, from the Star Wars: Rebels series. What makes this work so well is the fact that the Arihnda Pryce we see at the beginning of the novel is not the cold, ruthless Imperial we know from SW: Rebels. She starts off as the very capable manager of her family’s mining company on Lothal. While she longs to leave her frustratingly provincial world for somewhere more cosmopolitan, Pryce seems a relatively average galactic citizen, easy enough to sympathize with that it actually took me a few chapters to connect this character with the Governor Pryce from SW: Rebels.


Once again, Zahn has taken a familiar character and imbued her with depth of character that we’ve not seen before. After Pryce and her family lose their mining operation through the machinations of Lothal governor Ryder Azadi and planetary Senator Domus Renking, Pryce accepts a position as an aide to Senator Renking, through which she achieves her goal of leaving Lothal for the more vibrant environment of Coruscant. Here, her worldview is gradually hardened and her ambitions honed by the cutthroat atmosphere that festers within the heart of the Empire’s political realm.


Pryce, however, proves to be a particularly resourceful survivor. With each betrayal, she is able to leverage established relationships and alliances to bounce back even stronger than before. At the same time, each betrayal she survives also leaves her just a little colder and more guarded, until she reaches a turning point where she turns a friend in to the authorities for consorting with insurgents, and we begin to see the dangerous, power-hungry Imperial loyalist that she ultimately becomes.



The underlying thread that connects all three main characters, Thrawn, Arhinda Pryce, and Eli Vanto, is the almost reflexive way that their rivals, and indeed Imperial society as a whole, continually underestimates them as merely being easily dismissed backwater yokels. All three characters end up using this to their advantage, albeit in different ways. The supremely confident Thrawn is cognizant of the fact that he is, in almost any given situation, significantly more clever than nearly anyone else in the room, thus making Imperial prejudices a tool to assist in his rise to power. In fact, although he swears allegiance to the Emperor and serves him well, Thrawn is in fact taking the measure of the Empire as a whole in order to determine whether or not it would make a useful ally for his people in their struggle against various threats in Unknown Space of which the Empire is not yet aware.


Eli Vanto, on the other hand, is far more clever than he realizes. In many ways, his ambition is a more passive thing, and he seems often to ride on Thrawn’s coattails somewhat, particularly once he begins to receive long-overdue promotions through that relationship. But gradually, Thrawn’s efforts to mentor Eli begin to pay off as Eli begins to come into his own. And it becomes apparent that Thrawn has deliberately selected him due to the powerful combination of a highly creative and inquisitive mind, and a humble and grounded personal attitude. Thrawn knows, even if Eli does not, that the young officer is a natural choice to learn from Thrawn’s tactical, strategic and investigative talents.


Arhinda Pryce is a different matter altogether. Yes, she is incredibly clever and able to use the blind spots of others to further her own growing ambition. But she herself is blinded by her reaction to the various betrayals that she suffers along the way. Her ambition, unlike that of Thrawn and that of Eli Vanto, is driven more and more by emotion and a need for revenge against those who have wronged her. She is able to parlay that ambition, ultimately, into an assignment as Governor of Lothal, but it is clear that her anger must eventually throw her off balance and cause a fatal error in judgment. Eventually, perhaps, but not in the pages of this book. She does, however, provide a very interesting contrast to Thrawn and Eli Vanto, and her backstory adds greatly to the character we know from SW: Rebels.


Suffice it to say, I cannot recommend the Thrawn novel highly enough, particularly to fans of the character. One must be prepared, however, for a more personal story rather than a tale that leaps from battle scene to battle scene. While there are some excellent starship combat scenes, they are there to advance Thrawn’s tale and not the other way around. While this may not be to everyone’s taste, I urge you all to give the book a chance. Tim Zahn is, after all, exceptional at writing compelling characters which firmly hook the reader’s attention from the outset. See if this doesn’t happen when you read Thrawn.



As for clues within the novel as to what we might expect in future Star Wars projects, I found precious little that was overtly apparent. It may be that we eventually look back and see the seeds of events from upcoming Star Wars films and TV programs, however at the moment I can offer only one possibility that I feel may bear watching.


I mentioned that Thrawn wishes to gauge whether or not the Empire could make a worthy ally in the struggle of the Chiss Ascendancy against heretofore unknown threats deep within Unknown Space. Now, of course we can assume that this is an oblique reference to the Yuuzhan Vong from the old “Legends” novels. However, I could also see this as providing an opening for some completely different threat to enter the known galaxy in the Sequel Trilogy, forcing an alliance between the Resistance and the First Order. I personally hope that, should this be the case, LFL doesn’t recycle the Vong as that threat. And it’s very possible that the reference in the Thrawn novel has nothing to do with anything we’ll see in Episodes 8 or 9. But I thought it was worth floating out there as a possible connection.


Regardless, I feel safe in saying that Thrawn is Timothy Zahn’s best Star Wars novel to date – a high bar to clear indeed. Pick up a copy and see what you think – I seriously doubt that you’ll be disappointed!



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21 thoughts on “Patrick’s Spoiler Free Review: Timothy Zahn Makes a Triumphant Return With Thrawn!

  • April 11, 2017 at 9:43 pm

    He drinks way too much Blue Milk.

  • April 11, 2017 at 10:11 pm

    Personally , I loved the Vong and the threat that they created. They could be an epic enemy on screen. Find some way to carbonize Thrawn and thaw him for the invasion and the need of his knowledge to confront them!

    • April 12, 2017 at 1:54 am

      Meh, I didn’t like the Force immunity.

      • April 12, 2017 at 2:12 am

        That was one of the things that made them so dangerous to this universe…I believe, they could be made to be amazing on the big screen, with Jedi and imperial remnants facing them.

        • April 12, 2017 at 2:59 am

          Meh. I still think it was a bridge too far. I’d also want their designs altered a bit; their designs in Legends were a bit too “Xtreme 90s” for my tastes.

          • April 12, 2017 at 3:01 am

            Have them be the aliens from Close Encounters.

  • April 11, 2017 at 10:21 pm

    I am fine with an invading force from the beyond, as there can only be so many times that the a small band freedom fighters aka Separatists/Rebels/Resistance fight the Republic/Empire/First Order. Having that outside threat would be something very new, though I don’t know how very “Star Wars” it feels. That being said, what I really disliked (HATE HATE HATE HATED) and what basically stopped me from reading all of the EU back in the day that these creatures somehow were able to negate the force. That is complete bullshit. My guess is that it will be set up in the next trilogy and not the current one. I guess we will find out soon enough!

    • April 12, 2017 at 12:00 am

      I could certainly see a threat from outside known space working well as a way of shaking up the usual good guys/bad guys scenario. I just always felt the same basic way about the Vong as you did – unstoppable AND immune to the Force? Gee, how convenient.

      There are plenty of other ways to frame an external invader, though. I actually wouldn’t be surprised to see this happen in the current trilogy, as I know that one of the broad-stroke ideas Lucas had for the ST was to explore the shades of grey surrounding the Force, and the choices one needs to make in that regard. What better way to bring that out than to pit a powerful enemy against BOTH the Resistance and the First Order?

      You may be right about that waiting until a future trilogy, though.

      • April 12, 2017 at 12:32 am

        I feel that Disney wouldn’t want to make that jump just yet in the ST. From what we have heard about Episode 8, that it will involve Rey’s journey and Luke, plus everything that was set up in Episode 7 between the Resistance and First Order, having an invading force would be a real left turn. Pure speculation, perhaps as many people have guessed that Snoke is from wild space, and that maybe those from beyond team up withe First Order to try and take over the galaxy. Still don’t think Disney is that ambitious though, at least for near future.

        • April 12, 2017 at 1:06 am

          Well, had you asked me six months ago, I’d have said that Disney wasn’t ambitious enough to release a Star Wars movie in which every single main character dies at the end.

          What we do need to remember is that story choices like this are largely being left up to LFL. While they went a fairly safe and conventional route with TFA, I suspect that was mostly in the interest of hitting the ground running with a story that was going to have a decent amount of that old-school Star Wars feel while also not splitting the fanbase the way the prequel trilogy did. But I don’t see them simply remaking the entire OT with a new cast.

          Plenty of fans (myself included) liked TFA just fine despite the fact that much of it was repurposed ANH material. I don’t see that carrying over throughout the entire ST, though, if they just continue to hit the same old familiar beats over and over again. Because that ends with another “happily ever after” tableau following the defeat of the latest stormtrooper-sporting enemy, and then the whole cycle gets to repeat itself for Episodes X, XI, and XII.

          Something about the ST conflict has to differ significantly from what we saw in the OT, and I think Kathleen Kennedy and her crew are well aware of that fact. Whether they force the Resistance and the First Order together in a pitched battle against a mysterious enemy from Unknown Space or come up with something completely different, Episode IX has to be about something other than “the final battle between Rebels and Imperials – AGAIN!”

      • April 12, 2017 at 3:53 am

        They were the Mary Sue of Star Wars villains.

    • April 12, 2017 at 4:29 am

      Yeah, That was really when the EU went downhill and I’m sure a major reason why they canned the entire thing. It just felt like bad Star Trek fan fiction and everyone stopped caring a few books into it.

  • April 12, 2017 at 1:53 am

    I need this NOW!

    • April 12, 2017 at 4:57 am

      Enjoy! ;^)

      • April 12, 2017 at 5:09 am

        So far so good, loving it.

  • April 13, 2017 at 5:14 pm

    Sounds Smurfy.

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