New ‘Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’ Video Shows Nine Minutes of Gameplay

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a February showpiece game for IGN First, which means there will be several videos coming out over the course of this month, showing us brand-new parts of the game.


The first video has now been released, showing a previously unseen open world for the player to explore. If you want to stay spoiler-free until the game releases, turn away now. There are few story beats beyond the initial reveal of the planet and the enemies that reside there, and plenty of new gameplay features are shown off.



The gameplay video shows Cal Kestis and BD-1 make their way around a new planet called Koboh. According to IGN, this video is set early on in the game when Cal crash-lands after a secret mission gone wrong.


The planet appears to be a Separatist holdout, as the video soon shows a Lucrehulk ship core parked on the ground and patrols of B1 battle droids, B2 super battle droids, and commando droids roaming the surface. The video also confirms that Koboh is home to plenty of hostile beasts too, with small insects, reptile-like dogs, feathered birds, and hulking mini-bosses ready to fight as well.


The video also showcases some cool combo moves for Cal, along with stylish execution moves, with one seeing Cal use his double-bladed lightsaber to round an enemy and stab him in the back while slashing along the way. The player can also detach their lightsaber into two blades at will, building on that cool ability unlocked near the end of Fallen Order.


Fans hoping for slightly less animal killing this time around will at least be relieved to know that boglings, the hopping fox creatures native to Bogano, are also present on Koboh. We also see a few peaceful kangaroo-looking aliens plus a massive creature called “trontoshell”, but it’s unclear if the latter is passive or hostile.


Star Wars Jedi: Survivor gameplay


In terms of collectibles, Force echoes return for Cal to absorb, and the video shows him collecting a bomber jacket cosmetic item from a storage container. It’s unclear if Cal will only be collecting different types of jackets now instead of ponchos, or if those clothing items will make a return in a slightly more limited capacity this time around.


There will likely be a new video showing off more of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor next week, so stay tuned for more!


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Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.

Josh Atkins

Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.